Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Wish

I'm not afraid to say...but this year at Christmas my money was a little bit tighter than I would have hoped for. The kids were all really great. As the weeks passed they didn't see me Christmas shopping, they didn't see a tree get put up right away, and I had a talk with them about how slim Christmas really was going to be.

My lil Ariana was so sweet. One night as I was getting into my bed I saw a letter addressed to Santa on my desk. It read, "Dear Santa, Thank you for all the kind things you do for people. It's so nice of you. It's probably why you are such a great Saint. The only thing I would really like for Christmas is for homeless people to have a roof over their heads. And maybe...could you peek in and say 'hi' as you pass by my house? Sincerely, Ariana". I was so impressed with her letter. Earlier in the day I had been crying in my bed that I wasn't able to give my kids a lavish Christmas this year...and all my daughter asked for was homeless people to have warm shelter. What a humbling experience.

My little man...could only ask for one thing. One day as I was driving him to school he said, "there are 2 things I want for Christmas. One is lego handcuffs." "Lego Handcuffs?" I asked. He replied, "Yes. You can find them at the Lego store at Downtown Disney right by the cash register. Just ask the cashier where they keep them, and she will give you a brand new one in a box." Wow...this kid is informative! Then he proceeds, "Mom, if it comes down to me only getting one gift though..I want a wheelchair." "A wheelchair? What do you need a wheelchair for?" I asked. "I would like my brother Coy to teach me wheelies on it. I want to ride around doing tricks!" "Maximus.....", I tell him....."Normal kids don't ask for wheelchairs for Christmas." To which he replies, "Mom...normal kids don't have the names: Maximus, Dane, or Coy".

Ya...he got me there!