Girlfriend had a book report due this week. She's had the assignment for about 3 weeks. She was to make a board game out of a book report. She is a very good student so I didn't worry about her reading her book. Last week I asked her, "Did you finish your book yet?".
"Yes mommy". Cool. One of the things I love about her is how on top of her homework she is. Makes parenting SO MUCH easier!
So Monday I pick up her book off of my night stand. I look at it. It barely looks as if anyone has read it! Girlfriend is an avid reader and VERY hard on books when she does read them. So when she got home that day I asked, "Did you REALLY finish that book?"
"I read 2 chapters", she said. UGH! Now the board game is due on Wednesday, and it is Monday afternoon and she has only read 2 chapters! There are 66 chapters!!!! 377 Pages!!!!!
I told her to get her bum upstairs on my bed and start reading! I know she is capable of finishing the book, because she is a strong reader. Heck, she read the Twilight Series in a couple days!! And those are about 600 pages each!
Tuesday night at about 9pm girlfriend finished the book. We sat down on the living room floor decorating her board game, and going over what the instructions should be. As we are talking about the plot of the book Coy, her older brother says, "OH mom, I have that book on CD. She could have just listened to it."
Girlfriend said, "Really?"
I told her, "Don't listen to your brother. He is teasing you. Because you have sat here for a day reading that book."
Coy said, "No I'm not. I really have that book on CDs. Remember mom when you bought me some books on cds to make reading more interesting to me?" He then got up and got the cds out.
I couldn't believe it!! I know my daughter needed to read the book, but I was so exhausted! I didn't sleep at all the night before because I was too busy worrying about her finishing the book and making a board game our of it!!!
Ugh!!! These kids!!