Saturday, July 18, 2009

My new BFF

Yesterday my son wanted a trim on his hair. Now don't get excited. He wasn't cutting it, he just wanted a trim so he can get corn rows. (He heard they stay better if he has all split-ends cut off)

Anyways, there is a store next door I wanted to browse while he was getting his hair trimmed. I haven't been there in a while so there was alot of really cute things to try on! My son walked over when he was done, and I had selected one thing in my mind, and was going for the 3rd try-on session.

I told him, "Coy.....I'm going to try these on. But there is one I REALLY like. I need you to be my BFF and tell me how they look."

MY BFF moved to Valencia, in February. We hardly ever shop together anymore. :( We still see each other all the time, but I needed an opinion.

Coy said, "OK, so you want me to be Suzy and tell you how it looks, right?"

"Yes honey"

While I was giving him instructions on how to be my BFF, I closed the fitting room door, which locked. So his first assignment as my BFF was to crawl under the door, and unlock it. (NO....Suzy would not have done that!)

I put the outfit on, the one I REALLY like. I walk out. Coy replies, "Ummmm, I think it's upside down."

"'s right", I replied.

"Then why is the thingies that you hang it up with near your calves?"

I looked down, "'re right! Let me try this again!"

He just chuckled. And guess what I did again? LOL. I accidentally closed the fitting room door AGAIN! So, as my new BFF he crawled under there again!! That's a good BFF, I think Suzy would have laughed!!

I came out again. Dress was right-side-up. "Well...what do you think? Is it too short? Do I look fat? What do you think?"

My new BFF replies, "I think it's too short." Now I really disagree. It was mid-calf, not mid-thigh. But...I asked for his opinion!

The next dress I try on is full lenghth. It was so cute and had such great colors! Coy asks, "Are you going to wear a bra with that? I don't like the bra straps showing."

Ugh..."Yes Coy, I'm gonna wear a bra." Is he kidding?? Of course I am! Duh!!

We finally left, and I got nothing. I'm not too sure about his opinions. I went over to my original BFF's house. I told her about my try-on sessions. We both decided I should go back and get the one I liked. At least Coy was patient. My other son probably would have asked, "Can we go look at something for me?"


  1. That is the cutest story! I love Coy. What a perfect BFF. He just played along so you'd pay for those corn rows. Or are they free? In that case, he's a total keeper.
